Monday, July 13, 2009

Village Trip

Yesterday, we went on a village trip with some ppl from our organization to somewhere called Tara near Mumbai. During our trip, we were fed 3 times over the course of 4 hours. Now let me tell you something about Indian hospitality. They will, no matter what, try to feed you until you explode. If you ask for more, they will give you more. If you ask for less, they will give you more. If you stay quiet, they'll just simply put more food on your platter. I can only hope to be able to fit through the door of my apartment when I get back. The village itself was amazing: the organization had set up a hospital, soap-processing area, oil-manufacturing area, vocational schools, dormitories, etc. All in all, they were doing a great job of trying to help the ppl. I hope V and I are able to have a positive impact on the organization by the time we get back to the States. Finally, one noteworthy thing happened on our way back to Mumbai. We were sitting in the back of the car and the two uncles that had taken us there were driving/sitting in the front. One of them starts talking about a guy they both know in Mumbai. He goes, "Oh, I really like that man". Uncle B replies, "Yes, do you know he walks 15 km every day by himself!". Uncle A: "O wow, what a man!". Uncle B: "He even paints watercolor pictures". Uncle A: "O wow, what a great man!". They continued talking about their mancrush for 5 min while V and I were trying so hard to control ourselves from breaking into tears from laughter. Well, in a city where thugs walk around holding each others' pinkies what else can you expect?

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