Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey guys!!

So just to getcha guys caught up with everything so far. I left the US last Sunday, and arrived to Bombay (Mumbai) on Monday. I spent 2 days and 3 nights in Mumbai. On day one I went to my grammas (from my moms side) house in Juhu to meet gramma. She is the cutest 82 year old lady in the world! When I arrived she was chillin on her swing set (its called a hichko in gujarati) and she was very happy to see me.

After eating I hung out with my nephew Avi. He is literally the cutest 2 year old ever - he loves toy cars and trucks, and hates teddy bears and stuffed animals... yah hes the ultimate man.

Next I traveled to see my cousins from my dads side by going to see them at their office.
At night time I met up with V-pizzle and Rupizzle, and went out for drinks with the other Mumbai Trainees living in their apartment. We went to a relatively inexpensive bar called Soda and had a really good time. (Random Note: The girl V's next to is from Tanzania! Yup, it really does exist)

The next day (wednesday) I hung around with more family, and then at night time I went out with V, Rup, Pratik (yup P-daddy was in the house) and my family friend Vrinda. On the way to Vrindas house we got lost and had to walk down this super dark ally in the rain which was scary as hell. Anywho, She (Vrinda) took us out to a really classy place called Zenzi. THE LAMEST thing you will ever hear is that bars/clubs close down in Mumbai at 1:30PM. I didnt know this, had I known I wouldda pounded more than 3 beers before we left. On the way to V and Rups Trainee house, Rup was able to ride an auto (riksha) which was pretty funny.

Before I left the boys to head home with Vrinda, we took the following picture, which could be our last harrah, as I dunno when us four will ever be back together again in the future... Sad...

I went to bed at 4AM and woke up at 7AM. Its weird, for some reason I can't sleep in India so far, but I think it was because I only had a few days to hang with fam and friends before I left for Delhi, so I thought sleep was trivial and a waste of time. I left Mumbai and reached Delhi yesterday.

Since I think this post is long enough I will post again soon about my adventures thus far in Delhi!

- M to the Jizzle!

1 comment:

  1. Correction: The clubs in Mumbai close down at 1:30AM, not 1:30PM... The editor apologizes for any inconveniences caused by this error.
